Hungry snails living in a postbox caught nibbling on villagers' mail

Snails living in a postbox are eating villagers’ mail and keep returning despite daily efforts to remove them

  • Snails caught munching on villagers’ mail after taking up residence in postbox
  • Molluscs are eating the glue that holds the envelopes in shape, Royal Mail said
  • Snails are being removed from the postbox daily but are ‘determined’ to return

Residents of a rural village are being plagued by letter-eating snails which have taken up residence inside a postbox.

The pesky molluscs in Lewdown, Devon have been munching on the mail inside their home, which is surrounded by greenery. 

A sign from Royal Mail said the snails were being removed daily but were ‘determined’ to get back in. 

The snails are ‘eating the glue that holds an envelope in shape’, it read.

The overhanging vegetation on the wall has encouraged the snails to invade the postbox, according to one villager. 

Snails living in a postbox in a Devon village continue to nibble villagers’ mail despite daily efforts by Royal Mail to remove the pesky molluscs (pictured, the postbox)

A sign from Royal Mail said the snails were being removed daily but were ‘determined’ to get back in to the postbox (stock image)

The problem had persisted for at least a year and the issue had not been discussed by the parish council, they said. 

The sign on the postbox has been there for at least four months, according to a Google Maps photo taken in July.

The message taped to it said: ‘Whilst you are very welcome to continue using this postbox, we wanted to mention that your letter may not arrive without some nibble marks around the edges.’

Royal Mail said it was not their business policy to exterminate the snails with poisonous pellets or other means.

Royal Mail said it was not their business policy to exterminate the snails with poisonous pellets or other means in a sign inside the postbox (pictured)

The overhanging vegetation on the wall (pictured) has encouraged the snails to invade the postbox according to one villager from the Devon town

Residents can post their mail at the village post office which is currently snail-free. 

In Cornwall, residents of Marazion recently found their postboxes had been sealed off to keep snails out of their mail. 

Royal Mail has been approached for comment. 

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