Terror as Victoria leaves Jacob's life on the line in Emmerdale spoiler video

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Jacob Gallagher’s (Joe-Warren Plant) life is left on the line in a new Emmerdale spoiler video as he eats a slider containing nuts.

During an event at the Hide, Jacob tells Victoria (Isabel Hodgins) that mum Leyla (Roxy Shahidi) has said he can help himself to food, and asks if any of the samples contain nuts.

The Hide is a hive of activity, with potential buyers of Gabby Thomas’ (Rosie Bentham) business milling around everywhere, and it is clear that Victoria is overwhelmed by the level of demand.

Amid the chaos, she confirms that the sliders are safe for him to eat, just as Gabby approaches demanding another portion for her guests.

However, it soon becomes clear that she has made a mistake, as Jacob begins struggling to breathe.

It isn’t long before Leyla notices what is happening, and is instantly horrified.

Following the events of the spoiler video, all hell breaks loose as a search gets under way for an Auto Adrenaline Injector.

Weakly, Jacob is able to communicate that he has one in his car, but when Victoria heads out to looks, she can’t find anything.

The news of Jacob’s allergic reaction soon reaches David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden), who rushes to the hospital at breakneck speed to see what’s going on.

Will Jacob be okay, or will this incident cost him his life?

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