Strictly Come Dancing remembers our fallen heroes with poignant tale of war love

Dance pros Kai Widdrington and Lauren Oakley don 1940s outfits to play a couple who are being separated by war.

The sequence, which precedes the group number, was filmed at locations such as HMS Belfast on the Thames. The warship saw action on D-Day in 1944.

They also danced at the Queen’s House in Greenwich Park, next to the Old Naval College.

On last night’s show, Casualty star Nigel Harman took to the floor with partner Katya Jones for their couple’s choice routine.

His effortless performance to the Bruno Mars hit Just The Way You Are was a far cry from his early days on the show, the actor said.

“The first three or four weeks, were really hard,” the 50-year-old said. “My body was going, ‘arghh!’.

“It was like being run over by a train every day.

“Now I’ve gone through the niggles and the injuries, my body seems to be returning.

“I feel much stronger and much more durable.”

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