Sobbing woman who had bum chopped off in boat accident shares lasting damage

A young woman has recalled the horrifying moment her butt was "chopped off" in a freak boating accident.

Kenzey Hunt said the pain was so severe after the impact that she "wanted to die". She struggled to hold back tears as she described the lasting damage and potentially permanent, life-changing injuries.

The 20-year-old, from Utah, was on a girls' trip in South Carolina with some friends and her sister, Sydney, when they decided to go boating with her friend's husband and a group of his friends they didn't know. The group headed out on Lake Murray and Kenzey was tubing with some of the other girls when one of them fell into the water.

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Recalling the incident in a video posted to her sister's TikTok, Kenzey explained that the man driving the boat went to turn around to pick the girl up when disaster struck. She said: "He went to go pick her up he just made a really sharp U-turn and the rope was really slacked, and he just came, hit me head-on, and I was still laying on the tube headfirst".

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She quickly got "sucked" under the boat and hit by its propeller. "It got my butt pretty good, so my butt was just kind of open, I felt it, and there was just blood everywhere," she recalled.

Her sister and a friend jumped in to save her but when Sydney noticed all the blood she went into "shock" as Kenzey was lifted out of the water by one of the men they were with. She said he had to put her butt "back together" after it had been cut "all the way open".

Recalling how she felt immediately after the incident in another video posted to TikTok, Kenzey said: "Right after it happened I was just in so much pain, I knew how bad it was I could feel everything and I remember thinking I just wanted to die."

At first, she thought her legs may be paralysed but was relieved to discover the propeller had only left her with bruises when it hit her leg too. She knew straight away the injuries to her butt were severe though. "I felt my butt and it just felt like it was gone, just open and so I thought my butt was just off so that was pretty scary," she said.

When they got to shore, Kenzey was rushed to hospital, where she spent 18 days recovering. As well as her butt injuries, she suffered "pretty deep" cuts to her foot, which she also fractured in two places, as well as a fractured pelvis. Due to the injuries to her butt, Kenzey needed a colostomy bag, which collects poo that passes through a surgically created stoma.

She said she "broke down" when she found out she'd need one but was initially told the procedure could be reversed in six months. Kenzey said she was "super lucky" with where the boat hit her, adding: "Everything will be able to be saved be put back together and I'll make a full recovery."

But in a tearful update posted to her sister's TikTok last week, she revealed medics have now told her her sphincter muscle is "just gone" which means she'll have to have her colostomy bag on for at least a year and may not be able to get it reversed at all because she won't have the muscle to control when she goes to the bathroom.

However, Kenzey revealed she was given some good news too. After being told she wouldn't be able to sit for three months, her doctor said she can actually start sitting again as long as she "doesn't put too much pressure on it".

She still has a long road of recovery ahead though. While she was able to avoid a skin graft, Kenzey may still need reconstructive surgery on her bum and could also need another ankle surgery as it hasn't been healing. Despite all she's been through, Kenzey insists she's "not mad" at the man who was driving the boat.

She said she "forgave" him and has "no hard feelings" towards him because she knows it was simply a "freak accident". She's remained positive about the ordeal and says she's looking forward to being able to go back to work and play with her new puppy Benny, who she was gifted while in hospital, when she recovers.

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