Man buried alive at own funeral – and says he wanted to stay underground longer

A bloke decided to hold his own funeral while still alive and said the death "experience" gave him a renewed vigour for life.

Víctor Amela, 63, said goodbye to his friends and family before digging a grave on the farm where he was born. He ordered a coffin and spent an hour underground.

The Spanish writer even had a priest come in to conduct the service and asked loved ones to read eulogies. Amela told Spanish TV show Horizonte: "My friends spoiled me. It was wonderful and I enjoyed it immensely.

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"When they covered me and I was left in the dark, I could hear the shovelfuls of dirt landing on the coffin. For a second, I was gripped by panic. But it came and went away. I then started to relax and enjoy it. I wished I could stay there longer."

Amela's loved ones went all out for the service, with him able to hear them as they sobbed during the eulogies. "I was born again," he explained, "I wanted to continue living for another 40 years."

Amela first became interested in his own death when he was 15, and at the time used a Ouija board to ask the spirits when he would die. "I regretted it later, don’t do it at home," he said, adding that the spirits gave him until 65. "For a 15-year-old boy, 65 years feels like immortality, it is very far away.

"When I was 55 and interviewing filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky, the memory of the Ouija board came back to me and I told him about it. He said: 'Victor, you are going to die at 65 because your unconscious is going to try to fulfil that mandate.'"

But the fake funeral has helped him get over the Ouija board prophecy, he claimed. Amela said: "The experience of my own funeral helped me to stop thinking about the possibility of dying at 65, to strengthen the bonds of friendship with people who love me and who I love."

The practice of attending your own funeral is common in South Korea and Japan, where it is known as seizenso, and is reportedly growing in popularity in western cultures. It is designed to give people a fresh perspective on life.

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