‘I’m a skin expert – here are my tips for getting rid of frown lines’

Frown lines are the vertical lines which develop between the eyebrows and nose and this happens due to the movement of our two facial muscles called the procerus and corrugators.

Skin expert, Dr Ross Perry, who is the Medical Director of Cosmedics skin clinics, explained: “These muscles control certain facial expressions and can be seen on anyone young and old when we ‘frown’. However, when we’re young these immediately disappear after we stop frowning.

“As we age, however, and we lose collagen in the skin, these lines become deeper and more visible and can remain visible on someone’s face permanently making one look angry in appearance.”

Unfortunately, said Dr Perry, once frown lines appear after a certain age they are often there for good. But there are ways of lessening frown lines.

He said: “First off, frown lines can be genetic unfortunately, but equally they can also be caused by lifestyle.

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“Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, alcohol, cigarettes and UV damage all go towards having fine lines and wrinkles and frown lines are also up there on the list- and once the damage is done it’s very difficult to reverse.

“It’s important therefore that from a young age (early 20s) we look after the skin, use SPF year round, eat a healthy balanced diet of fresh fruit, vegetables, vitamins and minerals which will help to give skin a ready supply of antioxidants.

“Antioxidants help skin to repair and maintain itself by mopping up harmful atoms, known as free radicals. Make sure you’re using a good thick moisturiser in the winter and wearing SPF year-round.

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“To stop frown lines getting worse or becoming more prominent, try to find ways to keep the upper facial muscles more relaxed. And if you find yourself frowning, try to stop the habit.”

If you’re squinting a lot, it may be time to visit an optician and look at contact lenses or glasses, added Dr Perry.

And a non-invasive treatment called microdermabrasion which uses tiny particles to brush away the top layer of the skin is also an option to reduce the appearance of frown lines.

Dr Perry also suggested massaging the face to help reduce the appearance of frown lines.

Massage vertically with the balls of your hand up and down the front line area, using an anti-ageing vitamin C serum.

He noted: “This will help reduce the deeper frown lines a little but unfortunately, won’t make much of a difference other than a slight reduction in appearance.”

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