EXCLUSIVE: Woman's husband raped her and BIT OFF her earlobe

EXCLUSIVE: Woman whose husband BIT OFF her earlobe and raped her while she was unconscious opens up about the harrowing attack that nearly killed her

  • Brittany Crowley, from Washington, was attacked by 36-year-old Cole Peters
  • He was found guilty on multiple charges and sentenced to life in prison
  • Brittany, 32, is now speaking out to raise awareness of domestic violence 

WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: A woman has laid bare the harrowing details of a savage attack she endured at the hands of her own husband just a month after they were married.

Brittany Crowley, from Washington, revealed she was beaten, had part of her ear bitten off and was raped multiple times by 36-year-old Cole Peters whilst she was unconscious.

He was found guilty of attempted murder, two counts of rape, felonious restraint, terrorizing and domestic violence causing a serious injury before being sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Now, Brittany, 32, is courageously speaking out to raise awareness of domestic violence and to help other survivors.

Brittany Crowley (left), from Washington, revealed she was beaten, had her ear bitten off and was raped multiple times by 36-year-old Cole Peters (right) whilst she was unconscious

Doctors sewed up her ear and lip before giving her an MRI scan, which showed Brittany had a bleed on the brain and all the blood vessels in her eyes had burst

Brittany had known Peters, who lived in North Dakota, since school but it was not until March 2018 that they reconnected on Facebook.

The couple began video calling every day and quickly fell in love.

Brittany said: ‘Even though we lived in different states, I’d never felt so close to anyone. Cole felt like my lucky break.’

In November that year, the pair met up in Las Vegas and ended up tying the knot.

The newlyweds then took the step to move in together with Brittany claiming: ‘Within weeks, Cole started to change.’

In December, the pair went to a party but, as soon as they returned home, Peters accused Brittany of flirting with other men.

He smashed her phone, pinned her to the floor and shaved off her hair.

Brittany explained: ‘I tried to stop him but he was furious so I stayed silent. He left me with a horrible buzz cut.

Brittany had known Peters, who lived in North Dakota, since school, but it was not until March 2018 that they reconnected on Facebook 

Peters was found guilty of multiple charges following the savage attack on Brittany, which he carried out after just one month of marriage

‘I couldn’t help but wonder where my loving husband had gone and what else he was capable of.’

Three days later, Peters screamed at a male supermarket worker for getting too close to Brittany during a shopping trip.

She revealed: ‘I was so embarrassed. Back home, Cole kept muttering: “I’m going to kill her,”‘ under his breath.

‘I was terrified so I went to bed and tried to ignore him. But out of nowhere, he punched me in the face. My tooth punctured my lip and there was blood everywhere.’

Brittany hid underneath the bed, but Peters lifted the frame and repeatedly slammed it into her body.

Peters then promised not to hurt Brittany anymore so she crawled out of her hiding place only for her new husband to punch her in the head and stomp on her neck.

Brittany said: ‘He screamed, “prepare to die tonight,” and then everything went black.

‘Cole shook me awake, only to continue beating me. I lost count of how many times I passed out.’

Peters then dragged Brittany into the shower to clean up the blood before raping her.

Brittany recalled: ‘I was so weak, I couldn’t fight back. I thought I was going to die.’

The assailant continued to knock Brittany out, until the final time, when she came round to him raping her again.

Brittany explained: ‘I tried to stop him but he was furious so I stayed silent. He left me with a horrible buzz cut’

Peters was arrested and Brittany later travelled to North Dakota for the trial and bravely gave her evidence

Peters told her she was going to die before he clamped his teeth around her ear and tore off a chunk of skin.

Brittany said: ‘He then threatened to chop off my legs. Somehow, I managed to stagger to my feet and race outside to Cole’s truck.

‘Thankfully, he’d left the keys in the ignition, and I sped away. But I was naked and could barely see because my eyes were swollen shut.’

Fortunately, a police officer, who noticed Brittany running a red light, pulled her over.

Seeing her battered body, he called an ambulance, which turned up soon after and rushed her to Williston Hospital, North Dakota.

There, doctors sewed up her ear and lip before giving her an MRI scan, which showed Brittany had a bleed on the brain and all the blood vessels in her eyes had burst.

She said: ‘My eyes were swollen shut for days. I couldn’t do anything and was kept on sedatives because I was in so much pain.’

Brittany spent eight days in hospital before being discharged.

She went to live with a friend back in Washington, candidly sharing: ‘Over the next few months, my bruises faded, and my hair started to grow back. But I was in pieces.’

She is now courageously speaking out to raise awareness of domestic violence and to help other survivors 

Meanwhile, Peters was arrested but denied the charges.

Brittany travelled to North Dakota for the trial and bravely gave her evidence.

In October 2021, Peters was found guilty of attempted murder, two counts of rape, felonious restraint, terrorizing and domestic violence causing a serious injury at Williams County District Court.

In February 2022, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Brittany explained: ‘Cole took no responsibility for what happened that night.

‘Now, I suffer from night terrors and wake up to my own screams but I’m doing the best I can. I’m a survivor.’

She concluded: ‘The emotional impact that Cole’s attack has had on me is just as bad as the physical effects.

‘Most days, I feel numb. But I have to believe that things will get better.

‘Domestic violence is an epidemic that needs to be addressed.’

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