BBC Dismisses Viewer Complaints Over Too Much Graphic Russell Brand Coverage

EXCLUSIVE: The BBC has dismissed complaints from viewers who have said the UK broadcaster has dedicated too much coverage to the Russell Brand sexual assault allegations.

The corporation said it received messages from disgruntled audience members who said it has gone overboard on Brand and the details of its output have been “too graphic.” Brand denies all criminal wrongdoing.

The BBC disagreed with the complaints and said its coverage of the scandal had been “proportionate, offering fair and sensitive analysis of the issues at hand.” It said it would continue to follow the story.

On the “graphic” nature of its reporting, which has included carrying claims of rape against Brand, the BBC said: “We realise some of the details related to this story are shocking, which is why we gave appropriate warnings ahead of graphic content.

“We have given careful consideration to our reporting; all information included has been because we considered it was relevant and necessary to help our audience gain a full and accurate understanding of the accusations made against Brand.”

The BBC is itself urgently investigating allegations about Brand’s conduct during the period he hosted radio shows for the corporation in the noughties. Brand has been accused of exposing himself to female colleagues.

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