My Mum, Your Dad viewers slam the kids' 'unnecessary' involvement

My Mum, Your Dad viewers slam the kids’ ‘unnecessary’ involvement in their parents’ dates as they watch on with BINOCULARS in ‘creepy’ twist

My Mum, Your Dad viewers have criticised the children’s ‘unnecessary’ involvement in their parents’ dates following Tuesday night’s episode.

The ITV dating show sees a group of single parents enter a West Sussex mansion in the hope of finding love, while their children watch on and play matchmaker from a nearby bunker.

But viewers have argued that the adult kids’ very active involvement in the show is ‘unnecessary’ after Kaliel and Mazey watched their parents on a date on Tuesday.

After Natalie and Paul were voted by the children to go on a paddleboarding and yoga date, their respective kids Kaliel and Mazey secretly watched from a cabin.

Unbeknown to their parents, they both had binoculars to ‘spy’ on the date and could even give instructions to the yoga instructor via an earpiece, telling her what to say.

Spying: My Mum, Your Dad viewers have criticised the children’s ‘unnecessary’ involvement in their parents’ dates after Kaliel and Mazey watched their parents’ date with binoculars

Watching on: After Natalie and Paul were voted by the children to go on a paddleboarding and yoga date, their respective kids Kaliel and Mazey secretly watched from a cabin 

However, viewers were quick to take to social media to brand the twist as ‘creepy’, as they doubled down on their criticism of the children playing matchmakers.

One wrote: ‘Oh ffs cutting to the kids commentary and reactions every 10secs is annoying af smh. Let them grown folks just get on with it for more than 1 minute geez.’

Another said: ‘The kids watching with binoculars is creepy and unnecessary,’ while a third tweeted: ‘The children watching just isn’t right.’

A fourth penned: ‘Nah the kids spying on the parents date with binoculars is sending me,’ and a fifth said: ‘Why can’t they just let adults date without being spied on by their kids? They’re grown ffs.’

‘Oh do we have to have most of the show focused on the kids every night. Get rid of the kids and concentrate on the couples. It ruins the show,’ one said. 

While another added: ‘Oh geez, just let them GET ON WITH IT!! Why do we have to watch the kids’ constant analysis?! It breaks the flow and viewing enjoyment.’

After Monday’s debut episode, viewers had slammed the show’s ‘stupid Big Brother style’ twist and branded it ‘insulting’ to the participants.

Despite being unaware of their kids’ involvement, Tuesday’s date was a success as Paul and Natalie got closer and shared plenty of laughs after falling into the water.

The pair beamed as they returned from the date and told their fellow singletons how it went as sparks flew, leaving Clayton looking dejected after he shared a date with Natalie.

Not impressed: However, viewers were quick to take to social media to brand the twist as ‘creepy’, as they doubled down on their criticism of the children playing matchmakers

Cosy: Despite being unaware of their kids’ involvement, Tuesday’s date was a success as Paul and Natalie got closer and shared plenty of laughs after falling into the water 

Secrets: After Monday’s debut episode, viewers had also slammed the show’s ‘stupid Big Brother style’ twist which sees the kids watch and branded it ‘insulting’ to the participants

Newcomer: Tuesday’s episode came to a dramatic end when Janey, 47, arrived in the lavish house and gave the singletons a shock, after she was nominated for the show by her son Will

But things then got shaken-up when late arrival Janey, 47, entered the swanky estate at the end of the episode.

The blonde beauty is singer and recruitment manager who describes herself as ‘fun, kind, outgoing and creative’.

Janey was nominated to take part on the show by her son Will, 19, with her saying he put her forward ‘because he’s lost all hope for me, he thinks I’m undateable! He wants me to meet someone.’ 

Will sweetly told how he wants his mother to find ‘comfort and peace of mind’ from the dating retreat and admitted she ‘needs to be herself more’. 

Ahead of her entrance she said: ‘I think people might get me wrong at first. I’m aware I might be judged on how outgoing I might be, and the fact my job is performing.

‘In reality, I could be the most sensitive person there. And I’m emotional. I’m excited to meet someone that sees that side of me.’ 

My Mum, Your Dad: Meet the single parents and their matchmaker kids!

Meet the parents                                              … and their matchmaker kids! 

Name: Monique

Age: 50

Location: Winchmore Hill

Profession: Therapist/student

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Kind-hearted, a believer in God and positive. I radiate love!

Why did your daughter nominate you for MMYD? To dip my toes back in the pool of dating, and try and connect with someone and find love, and experience living with other people again.

Name: Sharon

Age: 53 

Location: Sunderland

Profession: Safeguarding and welfare officer in education

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Fun, genuine, personable. 

Why did your daughter nominate you for MMYD? She was getting desperate! I’d lost all confidence in myself. I think for Tia she was wanting to give me a bit of a helping hand.

Name: Caroline

Age: 51

Location: South Lanarkshire

Profession: Tech advisor/scan assistant at a private baby clinic

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Charismatic, outgoing and fun. I can be a bit fiery at times!

Why did your daughter nominate you for MMYD? I’ve been single for such a long time, it’s probably the longest I’ve ever been single! I’ve always been quite happy being single but I think she thought, ‘Mum, you need to get out there!’

Name: Natalie

Age: 44

Location: Bournemouth

Profession: Self-esteem and relationship recovery coach

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Adventurous, deep and outgoing.

Why did your son nominate you for MMYD? I’ve been on my own for a long time. I think he thinks it’s my time for me now.

Name: Paul

Age: 51

Location: London, lives in Bath 

Profession: Owner, decorating company

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Very chilled, laid back and loyal.

Why did your daughter nominate you for MMYD? She feels I need to sort myself out when it comes to dating!

Name: Clayton 

Age: 57

Location: Nottingham

Profession: Pastoral support officer 

How would you describe yourself in a few words? I’m pretty effervescent. I’m all about balance in terms of fun – I’d say there’s a cheeky side to me.

Why did your son Christian nominate you for MMYD? He’d like to see me settled with someone I could have a future with. 

Name: Roger

Age: 58

Location: Derbyshire 

Profession: Postman 

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Fun, loving, conscientious, struggling to get old – I don’t want to get old. I lost my wife, I know that you can get up and life can be over in a split second.

Why did your daughter Jess nominate you for MMYD? She’s a lovely girl. Her mum was really thoughtful in everything – she could plan things to a detail – and Jess has got that. She is so thoughtful and it was just a lovely thing for her to say, ‘Dad, look, we understand that you’re struggling and it’s been hard and we know that you’ve got a lot of love to give and we’re OK if you were to see someone else’.

Following my wife passing 18 months ago, I didn’t really want to meet anyone. You don’t expect it to be you and you don’t expect it to be your wife. But I’m going on the show to get some confidence. I must have subconsciously wanted to meet someone by saying yes to the show.

Name: Elliott

Age: 53

Location: Essex

Profession: PE teacher/football coach

How would your son describe you? He’d say I am good fun, easy going (I’m not easy going).

Why did your son nominate you for MMYD? He wants rid of me! I think the prospect of me being in his life for too much longer was a burden. No, he just wants me to be happy.

Name: Janey

Age: 47

Location: West Sussex 

Profession: Singer/recruitment manager

How would you describe yourself in a few words? Fun, kind, outgoing and creative. 

Why did your son nominate you for MMYD? Because he’s lost all hope for me, he thinks I’m undateable! He wants me to meet someone.

Name: Martin

Age: 56

Location: Birmingham/lives in Epsom

Profession: Retired basketball player, sports presenter and MD

How would you describe yourself in a few words? I’m big, I’m fun, I’m outgoing and I consider myself to be a likeable sort of bloke. I’ve spent 90% of my life in the friendzone… I’m everyone’s best friend.

Why did your daughter nominate you for MMYD? To try and get me out of the friend zone! I have a lack of self-worth and she feels I am worthy and I do a lot for my family and I should have a chance to find emotional fulfilment.

Name: Taiya

Age: 21

Location: North London

Profession: Student 

Why did you nominate your mum to go on the show? I nominated my mum because I think she deserves love! She’s put everything aside to raise me and my sister for so many years so I thought now is my mum’s time.



Name: Tia

Age: 24

Location: Sunderland

Profession: Social media influencer 

Why did you nominate your mum to go on the show? I feel like it’s finally her time to be happy. I think she’s put herself on the backburner to bring up myself and my sister. In the last few years I feel like she’s given up on love, so she didn’t want to try anymore. I hope putting her forward will be the push she needs to put herself first.

Name: Karli

Age: 20

Location: South Lanarkshire

Profession: Flight attendant 

Why did you nominate your mum to go on the show? She was single for a while and she doesn’t seem to have any luck with guys. So I thought why not?





Name: Kaliel

Age: 20

Location: Bournemouth

Profession: Gas and plumbing apprentice 

Why did you nominate your mum to go on the show? Because I wanted her to find someone and be happy. I saw it advertised and I thought it would be perfect for her.



Name: Mazey

Age: 21

Location: Bath 

Profession: University Student

Why did you nominate your dad to go on the show? I want to see him settled. The way he was dating before wasn’t working. I wanted him to date outside of the box.



Name: Christian

Age: 35

Location: Nottingham

Profession: Graphic artist/warehouse employee

Why did you nominate your dad to go on the show? I just want him to settle down, find the right person – he’s getting on now! I want him to live life with someone. I want him to travel with someone and get out there.


Name: Jess

Age: 28

Location: Derbyshire

Profession: Network rail planner 

Why did you nominate your dad to go on the show? It was a joint thing with my brother and sister and it was our way of basically telling him that we were happy for him to start dating, if that was something he wanted to do. 

It was a cop out on our part really, as it meant we didn’t need to sit down and actually say it. It was a sneaky way of saying, ‘Oh look at this, do you want to look into this?’ Never actually expected anything to come of it.

It was about putting dad first. We’d never really thought about us, or about ourselves in that situation. I wasn’t thinking about how I’d react, I was thinking about him.

The reason for that is he does the same for us, he would always put family first. So it was just a way of saying to him, stop worrying about us. If he wasn’t ready, that was also totally fine. It wasn’t an ultimatum. It was just, if you want to, you can, don’t worry about us.

Name: Zachary

Age: 21

Location: Essex

Profession: University student 

Why did you nominate your dad to go on the show? He deserves a chance to be happy and he hasn’t had that. I want him to have what a lot of his friends have done; get married and settle down. He deserves the opportunity to find the ‘end stages’ of love.

Name: Will

Age: 19

Location: West Sussex

Profession: Student

Why did you nominate your mum to go on the show? It’s getting a bit desperate now! We need a good chance of getting her to find someone. 

If it takes me to get involved, then that’s apparently how dire things have got! 

Name: Jessica

Age: 23

From: Epsom

Profession: Model/ Sales & Marketing/ Mental Health Skills Coaching

Why did you nominate your dad to go on the show? I want him to get out there a bit. He’s been focussed on us kids and his work and not even really thought about the possibility of meeting someone new that he could date or have a relationship with. 

He deserves that and to have someone to do nice things with and have an emotional connection with outside of his kids.

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